12  Matching


Ignacio Martinez

In the realm of causal inference, matching stands out as a powerful and popular statistical technique. Its primary goal? To construct a valid comparison group by pairing treated units with untreated units that are as similar as possible based on observable characteristics. This chapter will dive deep into the world of matching, exploring its mechanics, applications, and limitations.

12.1 The Bootcamp Conundrum

Imagine a tech company, eager to propel its engineers forward, rolls out a shiny new AI bootcamp. Yet, due to scheduling quirks, the bootcamp ends up heavily skewed towards senior engineers – those with five or more years under their belts. This poses a classic causal inference challenge.

In the potential outcomes framework, we envision each engineer with two possible career paths: one if they attend the bootcamp (\(Y_1\)), another if they don’t (\(Y_0\)). The rub, of course, is that we only witness one reality per engineer.

The non-random enrollment in our bootcamp muddies the waters. Simply comparing bootcamp graduates to non-participants would be like judging a footrace where one runner had a head start. The bootcamp group, on average, boasts more experience – a factor we know can independently turbocharge careers.

12.2 Matching to the Rescue

To level the playing field, we construct a matched control group. For each bootcamp attendee, we seek out a non-attendee with a similar experience level. By comparing outcomes within these matched pairs, we can tease out the bootcamp’s true impact, disentangling it from the effects of experience.

Yet, the plot thickens. What if bootcamp participation wasn’t solely about experience? In a global company, time zones could play a role. Attending a bootcamp during US business hours is far more convenient for an engineer in New York than one in Tokyo. Here, time zone becomes a confounder, potentially influencing both bootcamp attendance and career trajectory.

One might try to match on both experience and location, but this quickly becomes unwieldy as more factors enter the picture. The elegant solution is to estimate a propensity score – the probability of each engineer attending the bootcamp based on their various characteristics. By matching on this propensity score, we create comparable groups, even when those groups differ on a multitude of individual attributes.

12.3 The Mechanics of Matching

Matching typically involves four key steps:

  1. Choose a distance measure to quantify the similarity between units.
  2. Match treated units to untreated units based on this distance measure.
  3. Assess the quality of the matches and iterate if necessary.
  4. Estimate treatment effects using the matched sample.

Let’s explore two common distance measures in detail: Mahalanobis distance and propensity scores.

Mahalanobis Distance: Accounting for Covariate Relationships

Mahalanobis distance is a multivariate measure of the distance between a point and the center of a distribution. It’s particularly useful in matching because it accounts for the correlations between variables.

Key features of Mahalanobis distance include:

  • Scale-invariance: It’s unaffected by the scale of measurement.
  • Covariance consideration: It accounts for relationships between variables.
  • Euclidean equivalence: For uncorrelated variables with unit variance, it reduces to Euclidean distance.

Mathematically, the Mahalanobis distance between two points \(x\) and \(y\) in p-dimensional space is:

\[D_M(x,y) = \sqrt{(x-y)^T S^{-1} (x-y)}\] Where \(S\) is the covariance matrix of the variables.

Propensity Scores: Collapsing Dimensions

The propensity score represents the probability of receiving treatment given observed covariates, often estimated using logistic regression. Key features of propensity scores include:

  • Dimension reduction: They collapse multiple covariates into a single score.
  • Balance assessment: They make it easier to check balance on a single dimension.
  • Interpretability: They represent the probability of treatment.

The propensity score is given by: \[ e(X) = P(T=1|X)\] Where \(T\) is the treatment indicator and \(X\) is the vector of covariates.

Key Differences Between Mahalanobis Distance and Propensity Score

Feature Mahalanobis Distance Propensity Score
Dimensionality Operates in original covariate space Reduces matching to a single dimension
Interpretation Measures multivariate similarity Represents probability of treatment
Covariate relationships Explicitly accounts for covariance Implicitly captures relationships through the model
Model specification Doesn’t require a model Can be sensitive to estimation method
Categorical variables Can struggle with them Naturally incorporates them
Curse of dimensionality Can suffer in high dimensions Handles higher dimensions more easily

When to Use Each

  • Mahalanobis distance: Ideal when you have few continuous covariates, relationships between covariates are important, and you want to avoid specifying a treatment model.
  • Propensity scores: Better suited when you have many covariates (including categorical ones), the treatment mechanism is of interest, and you want to easily assess balance and overlap.

Matching Algorithms: Putting Theory into Practice

Once we’ve chosen a distance measure, we need an algorithm to perform the actual matching. Three common approaches are:

  • Nearest neighbor matching: Matches each treated unit to the closest untreated unit.
  • Optimal matching: Minimizes the total distance across all matched pairs.
  • Full matching: Creates matched sets, each containing at least one treated and one untreated unit.

12.4 The Limits of Matching: Avoiding Matching Charles to Ozzy

As with any causal inference method, matching is not a magic bullet. It works best when you have the right data to model treatment assignment. Essentially, after matching, whether someone is in the treatment group should be effectively random.

For example, in our bootcamp scenario, imagine that participation is largely explained by an engineer’s “grit” – a trait we cannot directly observe or match on. If career trajectory is also a function of grit, we might mistakenly conclude that the bootcamp has a larger impact than it truly does. Conversely, if procrastinators are more likely to participate, we might wrongly infer that the bootcamp hurts career success.

A memorable way to understand this limitation is through the “Ozzy Osbourne Conundrum.” Consider these two individuals:

Table 12.1: Matching Charles to Ozzy


            Born in 1948

          Raised in the UK

         Lives in a castle

         Wealthy & famous


           Born in 1948

         Raised in the UK

         Lives in a castle

         Wealthy & famous

Ozzy and Charles share many observable characteristics: they’re both males, born in 1948, raised in the UK, live in castles, and are wealthy and famous. However, Ozzy would clearly not be a good match for Charles in most studies. This example illustrates how matching on observables can sometimes be misleading.

The key takeaway? Matching is a powerful tool, but it relies on the assumption that after matching, the remaining differences between groups are essentially random. If this assumption doesn’t hold, our conclusions may be misleading.

12.5 The Propensity Score Paradox: A Critique by King and Nielsen

In their influential paper, King and Nielsen (2019) present a compelling critique of propensity score matching (PSM). Their findings challenge conventional wisdom and offer important insights for practitioners of matching methods.

The PSM Paradox

At the heart of King and Nielsen’s argument is what they term the “PSM paradox.” They demonstrate that under certain conditions, PSM can actually increase imbalance, model dependence, and bias. This occurs because PSM approximates a completely randomized experiment, rather than a more efficient fully blocked randomized experiment.

Key findings include:

  1. Increased Imbalance: As PSM prunes observations to improve balance, it can paradoxically increase imbalance on the original covariates after a certain point.
  2. Model Dependence: PSM can lead to greater model dependence, meaning that different model specifications can yield substantially different causal estimates.
  3. Bias: The combination of increased imbalance and model dependence can result in biased causal estimates.

The Mechanics Behind the Paradox

King and Nielsen explain that PSM’s shortcomings stem from its attempt to approximate complete randomization. In contrast, other matching methods aim to approximate full blocking, which is generally more efficient and precise.

  1. Information Loss: PSM collapses multi-dimensional covariate information into a single dimension (the propensity score), potentially discarding valuable information.
  2. Random Pruning: Once PSM achieves its goal of approximate randomization, further pruning of observations becomes essentially random with respect to the original covariates. This random pruning can increase imbalance.
  3. Dimensionality: The problems with PSM become more pronounced as the number of covariates increases.

Empirical Evidence

The authors provide evidence from both simulations and real-world datasets to support their claims. They show that as PSM prunes more observations, other matching methods (like Mahalanobis distance matching) continue to improve balance, while PSM begins to worsen it.


Based on their findings, King and Nielsen offer several recommendations:

  1. Avoid PSM for Matching: They suggest using other matching methods that better approximate full blocking, such as Mahalanobis distance matching or coarsened exact matching.
  2. Use PSM Carefully: If using PSM, researchers should be aware of its limitations and stop pruning before the paradox kicks in.
  3. Balance Checking: Regardless of the matching method used, researchers should always check covariate balance before and after matching.
  4. Consider Alternative Uses: While discouraging PSM for matching, the authors note that propensity scores can be useful in other contexts, such as weighting or subclassification.

Implications for Practice

This critique has significant implications for how we approach matching in causal inference:

  1. Method Selection: When choosing a matching method, consider how well it approximates full blocking rather than complete randomization.
  2. Iterative Process: Matching should be an iterative process, with continuous checks on balance and careful consideration of when to stop pruning observations.
  3. Multidimensional Balance: Pay attention to balance on the original covariates, not just the propensity score.
  4. Transparency: Given the potential for increased model dependence, it’s crucial to be transparent about the matching process and to consider multiple model specifications.

12.6 Practical Examples with MatchIt

The R package {MatchIt} provides a comprehensive set of tools for implementing various matching methods. It was developed based on the recommendations of (Daniel E. Ho et al. 2007) for improving parametric models through nonparametric preprocessing.

MatchIt supports a wide range of matching techniques, including:

  • Exact matching
  • Nearest neighbor matching
  • Optimal matching
  • Full matching
  • Genetic matching
  • Coarsened exact matching

Cautionary tale: Unmeasured Confounders.

Imagine you’re a data scientist at the illustrious TechGiant Inc., a company that recently rolled out an intensive AI bootcamp program for its engineers. This ambitious initiative aims to elevate the workforce’s skills and propel innovation to new heights. You’ve been entrusted with a crucial task: to evaluate the program’s effectiveness by examining its impact on engineers’ salaries.


# Generate synthetic data
n <- 1000
experience <- runif(n, 0, 10)  # Years of experience
procrastination <- rnorm(n)  # Unobserved procrastination level
bootcamp <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(-0.3 * experience + 0.5 * procrastination))  # Bootcamp participation
salary_increase <- 2000 * bootcamp + 1000 * experience - 9000 * procrastination + rnorm(n, 0, 5000)

# True average treatment effect is $2000

data <- data.frame(experience = experience,
                   bootcamp = bootcamp,
                   salary_increase = salary_increase)

# Naive estimate
naive_model <- lm(salary_increase ~ bootcamp, data = data)
naive_ate <- coef(naive_model)["bootcamp"]

# Matching on experience (ignoring unobserved procrastination)
m.out <- matchit(bootcamp ~ experience,
                 data = data,
                 method = "nearest",
                 ratio = 1)
matched_data <- match.data(m.out)

# Estimate ATE on matched data
matched_model <- lm(salary_increase ~ bootcamp,
                    data = matched_data,
                    weights = weights)
matched_ate <- coef(matched_model)["bootcamp"]

# Print results
cat("True ATE: $2000\n")
True ATE: $2000
cat("Naive ATE estimate:", round(naive_ate, 2), "\n")
Naive ATE estimate: -3307.67 
cat("Matched ATE estimate:", round(matched_ate, 2), "\n")
Matched ATE estimate: -1543.69 
# Visualize results
ggplot(data, aes(x = experience,
                 y = salary_increase,
                 color = factor(bootcamp))) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE) +
  labs(title = "AI Bootcamp Effect on Salary Increase",
       subtitle = "True effect is positive, but observed relationship appears negative",
       x = "Years of Experience",
       y = "Salary Increase ($)",
       color = "Bootcamp Participation") +

What’s happening in this scenario? Let’s break it down:

  1. The True Impact: In reality, the bootcamp program is a success. It genuinely enhances skills and, consequently, leads to higher salary increases.
  2. Experience and Participation: Less experienced engineers are more likely to enroll in the bootcamp, perhaps viewing it as a way to bridge the gap with their seasoned colleagues.
  3. Procrastination as a Hidden Factor: These same less experienced engineers, possibly due to feeling overwhelmed or uncertain in their roles, tend to have higher levels of procrastination.
  4. Motivation’s Influence on Salary: This inherent motivation leads to exceptional performance and subsequent salary raises, whether or not they participate in the bootcamp.
  5. Matching Gone Awry: By focusing on matching solely based on experience and overlooking motivation, you inadvertently compare highly motivated non-participants with a mix of motivated and less motivated participants.

The consequence? Your analysis paints a deceptive picture, indicating a negative effect of the bootcamp when the true effect is, in fact, positive.

This example illustrates a critical lesson in causal inference: the danger of unmeasured confounders. In this case, motivation acts as an unmeasured confounder, influencing both the likelihood of bootcamp participation and salary increases. As a business data scientist, this scenario highlights the importance of:

  1. Thinking critically about all factors that might influence both your treatment (bootcamp participation) and outcome (salary increases).
  2. Recognizing the limitations of your data and analysis methods.
  3. Communicating these nuances to stakeholders who might otherwise make decisions based on misleading results.
  4. Considering additional data collection or alternative analysis methods to account for potential unmeasured confounders.

In the end, your role isn’t just to crunch numbers, but to uncover the true story behind the data and guide your company towards informed decisions. This might involve recommending a more comprehensive study that includes measures of motivation, or suggesting a randomized pilot program for future iterations of the bootcamp.

12.7 Conclusion: The Power and Pitfalls of Matching

Matching is a powerful tool in the causal inference toolkit, offering a way to construct valid comparison groups and tease out causal effects from observational data. However, as we’ve seen, it’s not without its complexities and potential pitfalls.

From the basic concept of pairing similar units to the intricacies of different distance measures and matching algorithms, we’ve explored the mechanics of how matching works. We’ve also delved into its limitations, illustrated vividly by the Ozzy Osbourne Conundrum, which reminds us that observable characteristics don’t always tell the full story.

The critique by King and Nielsen serves as a important cautionary tale, particularly regarding the use of propensity score matching. Their work underscores the importance of understanding the theoretical underpinnings of our methods and approaching them critically.

As data scientists, our task is to navigate these complexities, understanding when and how to apply matching methods appropriately. We must be aware of their strengths and limitations, always striving for transparency in our processes and robustness in our results.

Matching, when used judiciously, can be a powerful ally in our quest to uncover causal relationships. But like any tool, its effectiveness depends on the skill and understanding of those who wield it. As we continue to push the boundaries of causal inference, let’s carry forward this nuanced understanding of matching, always remaining open to new developments and critiques that can refine our methodological toolkit.

Learn more
  • Daniel E. Ho et al. (2011) {MatchIt}: Nonparametric Preprocessing for Parametric Causal Inference.
  • King and Nielsen (2019) Why Propensity Scores Should Not Be Used for Matching.